Monday, September 29, 2008

The 90 Day Challenge

After several months of anxiety, anguish and a bad case of buyer's remorse, CT and I have decided to take drastic measures. So, after being inspired by reading Not Buying It by Judith Levine - a woman who decided not to buy anything unnecessary for an entire YEAR - we have decided to do the same thing...for a quarter. She did it for politics, we are doing it for cold. hard. cash.

So, for the next three months, this is what we will do. We will stop all unnecessary purchases and live simply. We aren't going crazy with this, don't worry!! We are still going to have cable, netflix, and internet. But shopping, entertainment, hobbies, gifts and restaurants are right out. This is gonna hurt, so of course, I have to write about it. Technically, this starts Wednesday, on the 1st of October and will last until New Year's Day.

I just had to pick a three month period that contains Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and CT's birthday. Great job Alyssa!

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