Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Day 1: Winning

It seems that the universe is already starting to pay me back for my frugality. Frugalness? Anyway, it is rewarding me for being such a good girl!

Item 1: Last night was Free Burrito night at Chipotle. Sponsored by the Round Rock public library, all those people with a library card needed only to flash the plastic at the register and bing bang boom, free burrito! I of course, got water. CT got sucked into the guilt of free things and bought a coke. A $1.40 coke that he will never be able to live down. Nothing tastes better than free burritos. They still give you gas, but at least you didn't pay for the pleasure.

Item 2: After weeks of entering free and free for shipping lotteries on Hyena Cart - only the coolest group of stores on the internet - I finally WON! Granted, I won diaper rash cream, and since my son has had a diaper rash all of once in his life, I probably won't NEED it, but I still won and that feels good!

One day down, 89 to go. heh.

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