Friday, October 3, 2008

Day 2: Oops

I bragged to CT that I got the car washed yesterday without even being asked when I filled the car up with gas. He shook his head and said, "are you sure that was 'necessary'?" A few hours later he asked whether I thought lawn care was necessary. I couldn't tell him!

Obviously, we are having trouble tracking what constitutes "necessary and unnecessary". Is fertilizing the lawn so it doesn't die this winter necessary? Is a car wash necessary? My thought is that yes, both are necessary. My reasoning is this: if we didn't do these things the result of not caring for our things will, in the long run, be more expensive. A car, unwashed, especially when a bird craps on it as was the case, will require a paint job later. A yard, untended will cause the owner to replace the grass. In my thought process, this is the same as washing your clothes or vacuuming the carpet.

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