Sunday, October 5, 2008

Day 5: Relief

I can not tell you how nice it is to have money in the bank. It is better than any $4 coffee or $20 pair of pants. At this time last month, we were already dipping $300 out of our savings account. 6 days into the month!! Now? We are $1500 in the black! How is this possible!?

Well, luckily, we had been keeping track of our spending, including our dipping into savings so it was very obvious where that money was going. Food. FOOD? Yes, food. Eating out, buying groceries instead of eating what we had, not eating leftovers, not bringing our lunch to work (CT) has really taken a toll on our savings account.

I can't tell you how well you sleep at night when you know that for this month, you will be adding TO your family's wealth instead of draining it. It is worth passing up all of those craigslist items, Hyena Cart diapers, and lattes out.

1 comment:

CT said...

Totally worth it! MIB (money in the bank) tastes better than a fast-food lunch any day...